I really love the One Song Concerts on YouTube. Any chance that any of the songs will be released as downloads as MP3's? Some of his interpretations of the songs are just plain amazing.
9:47pm 02-26-2024
desiree beaudry
As a recent victim of unrequited love, i have streamed you on Apple Music for over a year now. So if Apple sends a big fat royalty check to you, you're welcome. Seriously, your lyrics and tone are wise and warm. in fact, you are the most quoted musician in my "Who said it best" file, next to Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, John Prine, and Winnie the Pooh. Let me know if you're ever playing Kanab!
4:33pm 12-19-2023
Terrence Wolf
If you have ever wondered who keeps playing "Raven in the Storm" on YouTube, I am one of them.
I am an ex-Marine infantry sergeant. I spent most of 1967 as a 20 year-old squad leader on the DMZ in Vietnam. I have always been amazed by how accurately your song described certain aspects of that experience on a visceral level. It always brings to mind one experience, in particular.
A squad of us spent three weeks living in a village just outside the base at Phu Bai. The base had been hit by mortars coming from the general vicinity of that village. Our instructions were simple and to the point: "Secure that fucking village."
So, we ran patrols at night around that village and the hamlets scattered around the rice paddies. The "enemy" always knew we were coming, and we knew they were waiting. We could hear the dogs barking at them as they passed, they knew we were "the reason dogs are barking," as we headed out into the dark.
We knew when we were getting close, and things got tense. There were straw huts just a few feet off the path we were on. Inside the huts, we could hear people talking, until we backed up against the wall of their hut, and they heard our flak jackets rubbing against their straw walls. It was only a faint sound, like the "scratching in their ceiling." Immediately, everyone went silent in side the hut. There was the "baby's cry that isn't," and there was "the hand that stops the scream."
You need to know that this village consisted of rice farmers and their families who were terrified of the VC. A few months earlier, they had come into the village, rousted everyone from their sleep and killed the village chief in front of their eyes, because he was too friendly with Americans. The villagers were afraid of us at first, but they soon figured out that we meant them no harm. We were there to help them. During the daytime, they mostly just thought of us as goofballs. They wanted to see pictures of our houses and girlfriends and cars we left in the driveway back in what we called "The World."
At night, however, they saw us assemble in the middle of the village, smear dirt on our faces, do a radio check and confirm the password, before heading out into the dark. They came to trust us, and it became a ritual for everyone to say "good luck," as we were heading out.
They felt safe, believing there is nothing out there in the dark scarier than us, and when people believe that about a squad of Marines, that is what you become.
Ask a stranger why I am waiting in the chamber of a gun."
Over the years, that song has meant a lot to me on multiple levels, even the part about the "vultures in the valley," who just waited for us to go.
Ah well, it was a long time ago. Thanks for that song.
9:13pm 11-09-2023
Jamieson Taylor
We would LOVE to use the original or Briggs/Holmes cover of Christmas Bells for a church service this year.
Any reading this know if the artists are open to that? We have proper CCS licensing, I'm just not finding any info on their pages.
Replied on: 1:47pm 11-10-2023
Ofcourse you can use the song (John Gorka - Christmas Bells)
6:11pm 08-27-2023
Claudia Egelhoff
John plays a wonderful tune on this video(https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/parksTrails/SpringLake/Pages/bison-prairie.aspx?fbclid=IwAR2JjDn1DFfeIXK_4WWEcZuyvdSS8uBcB66pHWKwjstjsNVU1PBPO5Lv5j4) that he wrote for the Bison celebration in Dakota County in June.
Can you obtain the lyrics? Thanks.
3:57pm 05-05-2023
Mike Prouty
Love your music. You are my new Gordon Lightfoot.
3:14pm 11-26-2022
Vince Egan
HI John,
I saw you perform in Flemington,NJ and I have been listening to your Youtube songs . I hope to see you in person in New Hope PA in June. I enjoy your guitar playing and your great voice, thanks for the music.
7:39am 05-14-2022
Jeff Nye
A note from Jeff Nye (08-10-2021):
Hi Jos-I know the website building and maintaining is a huge task, and to do it well for free is monumental. Thanks!
So I have one little detail you could consider. I detailed it in the attached image....
The issue is your site doesn't have the correct title to each page, which should at least say "John Gorka Music", but now it just says "Untitled Document". This affects everyone's bookmarking of the site, and more importantly their ability to find it on search engines.
Pretty simple fix, and after all that time you have in it it deserves to be found by more folks.
I've been a web developer for years, if you ever need help. Also, a huge John Gorka fan for years. It was a guy named David Sobel" in San Francisco I liked to watch playing, who turned me on to "Land of the Bottom Line". Before that I knew of but hadn't gotten hooked on Gorka. David has a few hard to find albums, but worth it. The Gorka comparison is obvious when you listen, but David is also a good writer, so you get good songs too. Try these...https://davidsobel.bandcamp.com/album/rockets-to-the-new-worldMillion Year Picnic (Track 2)https://davidsobel.bandcamp.com/album/not-the-same-blueSaint of the Week (Track 3)Icarus (Track 5)Not the Same Blue (Track 7)
Also, an interesting take on a fan site, you may appreciate the concept, whether or not you are a Bruce Cockburn fan... https://cockburnproject.net/*** you need to drill down to a particular song, where you will see any known comments on that song. The special thing here is it's not anyone's comments, but only Bruce Cockburn's comments on his own songs. As a fan this is super special, and like any good collection of art, the creator has multiple different comments on many songs and stories about the songs over the years they have been out in the world.
OK, hope you get this and enjoy. If you ever are in Portland, OR, let's meet. Best- Jeff Nye
12:19am 05-14-2022
Rick Olson
Just saw John at the triple door in Seattle. An amazing performance as always. I especially liked the song done on the Les Paul PeeWee (though I think it would more accurately be named the Even Les Paul).
9:59am 01-24-2021
Bobby Boswell
Hi John. I woke up this morning to a gentle rain and "Houses in the Fields" came to mind. I Wikipedia'd your name and found out you and I have the same birthday, although since I was born late at night I suspect you may be a few hours older. Anyway I just wanted to say I enjoy your music, and wish you all the best. Bobby.
3:19am 10-10-2020
Gonnie en Frank
Hi John,
Ever since we discoverd your music through spottify we fill our house with your voice. Ordered your cd's too for the music installation downstairs doesn't understand streaming yet ;-)
Thank you for your music. Your voice, lyrics and melodies are great. The only thing we don't understand is that we missed you all this years before. Hope that the future will allow visits 'to the Netherlands again. We will be there!
Warmest greetings from Gouda/Netherlands.
Frank en Gonnie
5:57pm 06-04-2020
Wiggo Karlsen
Just recently I "discovered" John Gorka by chance on Spotify. Wanted to learn more about him and his music, then stumbled upon this page, and I really enjoy it. "Land of the bottom line" is a brilliant song title!!
12:47am 11-18-2018
Marty Fernandez
Purchased, ( yet, another JG album ) Before Beginning, just prior to driving home from Portland, OR to Seattle, WA. It was while hangin' with my daughter, Sophie. before she had to head off to work ( Whole Foods ) at a great, long time Portland record shop that I spied this unknown ( to me, at least ) new/old release. Enjoyed every new/old note. Thanks for keeping such good company over the tired miles and over the nearly 30 years I have been listening to you. The liner notes alone were worth the time spent. Keep on keepin' on John !
8:38pm 01-31-2018
krissy king
I just got your new CD!!! I have a full collection now!! I ordered through RedHouse Records thinking it would be signed instead of Amazon...not thinking of ordering through your site....I was just so excited to be one of the first to order. Anyway...I will see you in Portland, OR in March and hopefully get it signed then!! You are Amazing and I listen to you each and every day!!!! Thank You John!!!!!! :) ( PS Hopefully you'll sign another pair of my Boots too!!!! )
5:04pm 01-10-2018
Scottish Dave
As an elderly 60 yr old, I do my best to promote and sing your songs wherever I go. I am inspired by your song writing and your playing. I'll never be anywhere as good as you but your songs enable me to move most of my audience to tears with the emotion the exude. If your touring in the UK I will definitely come watch the master class. The sad thing is that in the circle of music move in most people have heard your songs but don't realise that it was you that wrote them.I do my best to educate them. Keep up the great work. If you have any song books on the horizon - please let me know.
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