Ah, the great John Gorka. How kind and generous of him to give these special sessions. When will he come to Sweden? Best to the people behind this site and sessions, and best thoughts to Mr Gorka!
9:56am 01-14-2013
Bill Neiger
Wonderful new music by a real master. Wish John could get to Seattle more frequently!
11:13pm 12-08-2012
Patrick Lund
Thanks, man. This is awesome. I've been a fan since 1987 or 1988. I live close so I get to see him regularly but I appreciate your work!
8:45pm 12-06-2012
Tad Jacks
Thanks for these wonderful videos. I am learning to playguitar and I want to learn John's songs. Some of the shots are so good to watch the strumming and fingering. I cannot wait to see John live on stage soon.
3:09pm 08-16-2012
John O'Shea
loved it - can't wait to hear more - guess I'd better buy a few albums!
4:57am 06-22-2012
Nice car with the open roof:)come to Poland to play gitar in Euro Cup 2012.
I have been a fan for many years. I first saw him in concert in the late 1980's, shortly after "I Know" had been released. It was at a long gone music club called the Pursuit Of Happiness in Liberty, NY. He was the opening act. (I cannot remember the name of the headliner.) I hope to see him again on July 1st.
8:11pm 06-18-2012
Tim Roof
Thanks for posting these videos. I had the privilege of hearing John play on a regular basis at Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA when were students there in the late 1970s. John and I were acquainted through my friend Russ Rentler (mandolin) and my roommate Tim Germer (bass), fellow members of the Razzy Dazzy Spasm Band.
8:43pm 05-20-2012
I just recently heard your music just the other day for the 1st time, now i'm pretty hooked can't wait to see you at a show.
10:36pm 03-09-2012
Eric Signell
Awesome job, Jos !!
Love the fact that you asked him to play (and he obliged) some of the "chestnut" rarities
that "got away" until now !!!
tip of the hat from across an ocean and a continent...
did you take the photos of him playing through the top of the convertible?
great idea!
John Gorka "da man" of folk music, and you da man too :-)
Eric in Portland, OR
10:35pm 03-09-2012
Eric Signell
Awesome job, Jos !!
Love the fact that you asked him to play (and he obliged) some of the "chestnut" rarities
that "got away" until now !!!
tip of the hat from across an ocean and a continent...
did you take the photos of him playing through the top of the convertible?
great idea!
John Gorka "da man" of folk music, and you da man too :-)
Eric in Portland, OR
10:44pm 03-03-2012
I'm a 19 year fan of John's music. I was at his Stuart Opera House show on 3/2/2012 in Nelsonville, Ohio. I was wondering if anyone else who was there jotted down his set lists/songs played...? If so, could you possibly email it to me?
Thank you very much!
9:55pm 02-16-2012
Eric Signell
I added another video clip/youtube from the Triple Door, and mentioned the a5th one as well, in my comment responding to your comment, on THE GYPSY LIFE video over at youtube (AmericanaMusicFan)...
if you are jos, would you mind sending me an e-mail at [email protected] as obviously we are two of the biggest JG
fans on the planet, right? If this is John reading this, I was the guy that wasn't very familiar with Bill Morrisey and asked you about Forget To Breathe after the show (also you signed the poster "to Eric & Dove) that we adopted from the women's bathroom :-)
p.s. // -will vote for the top 3 videos after I've seen all them
6:53am 01-30-2012
John Gorka come's in Amsterdam at Paradiso. Finaly! I'm looking forward.
5:07am 01-14-2012
Hallo Jos,
Ik stuitte zojuist toevallig op je site, omdat ik gisteren dolgelukkig er achter kwam dat John in februari in ons land komt en kaartjes heb gekocht. Jaren geleden al betoverd door de Christmas Song. Via Pure kwam ik erachter dat hij meer mooie dingen maakt en sinds een tijdje helemaal doordat Spotify me liet 'weten' dat John verder ook fantastische muziek maakt. Jouw site is geweldig, enorm leuk al die filmpjes, huiskamerconcerten, teveel om op te noemen. Ik zet je site in mijn favorieten, fijn dat je dit deelt met die paar andere zonderlingen in Nederland die ook weg zijn van John.
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