Thanks so much for this in-depth, detailed, and rich John Gorka fansite! It's a real pleasure to visit and enjoy any new information about one of my most favorite musical artists of all time! Your hard work and investment of time and energy is truly appreciated. I visit often and always look forward to seeing what's new -- thank you!!
10:19am 01-06-2010
Mike Y
I really appreciate all your hard work and the various posts on your site. Been a Gorka fan for over ten years now, and your site is perfect for those needed "Gorka fixes" throughout my day.
Many thanks again for your site.
Mike Yoder
Scranton, PA
4:03pm 12-13-2009
Conny Vos
Heel erg leuk dat ze jouw foto voor de achterkant van het hoesje hebben gebruikt!
En de cd is i.d. een juweeltje net als zijn oude werk, ben al sinds "Land of the bottomline" fan en heb al zijn cd's in de blind gekocht en was nooit teleurgesteld! Nu de DVD nog zien te bemachtigen.
Trouwens je hebt een erg mooie site!
7:01pm 06-09-2009
Lynnette Najimy
Hi! I can't believe it has taken me so long to discover this site! Fantastic ;-). I am hosting John for a FODfest benefit on August 23 in the Berkshires. We'll be taking lots of photos and video. Happy to add them to your wonderful collection here. I am breathless everytime I hear him sing his amazing songs...
Thanks for this site!
9:00am 05-16-2009
I thought the Panch and Lefty version was terrific!
8:51am 05-16-2009
Saw John Gorka last night, at Dosey Does, in The Woodlands, Texas. Tremendous show. The opening act Katie Mariah had recorded one of his songs (Houses in the Fields) on her new CD. (
Thanks for this website! It is terrific.
10:06am 05-10-2009
Bas Kapitein
Mijn dochter en ik zijn al heel lang fan van John, Via zijn nieuwsbrief weet ik dat jullie een prive party organiseren op 31 mei.
Hoe prive is dat of mogen er ook echte fans komen.
Uiteraard betekent dat dat ik wil bijdragen aan de kosten
Bas Kapitein
4:13am 05-08-2009
Hi all! Thanks for Videos
Best regards,
Mr. Secrets
3:14pm 04-24-2009
ik lees overal over downloads van de maand,maar waar kan ik die downloaden.\
Verder probeer ik te registreren op het forum,nou wat een ramp,niet te doen,alleen maar error meldingen,zijn die mp3' s van de maand nog allemaal ergens te downloaden.
11:32am 03-27-2009
Tara Lee
Thank you so much for posting these videos and for creating this website. I have seen John many many times live over the last 20 years, but now seem to live somewhere off the tour route (Asheville,NC). I was looking over the tour dates and locations and through links found this video site. I have now at least gotten a "fix" and feel grateful that John is still singing.
4:13pm 03-15-2009
David Sugers
Nice Site man love you1
6:18pm 03-12-2009
Joe O'Loughlin
Great site, some of his songs are just so close to the soul its not funny. Let them in, Snow don't fall etc really touch you somewhere inside. Live in Ireland. Only heard of John Lately, but he has a brilliant voice (a sort of a deep sweetness). Thanks a bumch for the site I loved it
4:57pm 03-12-2009
Paul Leach
What a treat ... Townes Van Zandt and some country blues. Quite different
that the Rock Star John we usually see :-). Thanks for doing this ... everyone
stay well.
Paul in Denver, Colorado
9:53pm 03-03-2009
yar! i just came across the site. it looks good! i like John's music also!
Best Regards,
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