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Messages: 106 until 120 of 178
Number of pages: 12
5:54pm 08-21-2008
André Wierdsma
Ha Jos, ben nog eens door de You-tube verzameling gelopen.
Hoop dat John het nog even vol kan houden (ik kwam tot Gorka door John Wright, die onlangs is overleden).
Zie nog geen opvolger(s). Misschien dat Lee of Keith die mondharmocica ik kan slikken :-)

Veel dank voor al het werk. André
4:22pm 08-19-2008
Yes - Having just found this site a week ago I would miss it very much!
12:03pm 08-16-2008
Leigh-Ann Pellerin
Great, great site...Now that I found it, I want to take a day off from work just to view/ listen to everything on it...

Thank You for putting it together-
11:10am 08-16-2008
Erik P Berg
I don't know how I've missed you and your music after 53 years of life, and 40 of it being a musician. I guess it's sort of an epiphany. I will purchase lots of your music, and in the meantime was wondering if I could somehow get a version of Three Little Birds? Please know that I wholeheartedly embrace your genuine and prolific endeavors. I hope to see you perform someday, and will enjoy your recordings until then and after...

Erik P Berg
6:57pm 08-11-2008
Susan Thompson
I love your music! I discovered you on Slacker.com Keep up the awesome work. When are you going to play in Georgia?
2:41pm 08-08-2008
Scott Gibson
Hello, I have been a Gorka fan for beaucoup years. Living in MN, where John now does, I probably have had more chances to see him perform more often than some others. I just watched John give a free live show in the western Minneapolis suburb of Elk River, on the banks of the Mississippi. It was a bit surreal as young children twirled and danced in front of John for basically all of his 90-minute performance. The kids had a great time, their parents and all the other adults there seemed pretty attentive, but it still seems a bit out of place when kids are dancing to "Love Is Our Cross To Bear". A young boy engaged John towards the end of his set with a request for a fast number. John, of course was gracious and involved him in the show a bit (eventually doing "Good Noise" as a final number).

11:11pm 07-30-2008
I've sometimes wondered if anybody reads that stuff that I post on that site. Now I see you've posted some of it here and even made an effort to give me credit. I'm honored. And I've enjoyed your site too. Best wishes.
9:05am 07-24-2008
great site!!! off to falcon ridge as we speak.
1:38pm 06-24-2008
Tracy Thackrah
I have an interview with John I would like to feature on your website. How do I go about that?

Tracy Thackrah
90.1 FM KBPK
3:20pm 06-17-2008
Angry Black Woman
One of the greatest moments in my life was at a John Gorka, Christine Lavine, Cliff Eberhardt concert at the Bottom Line. They had asked everyone to write down on a little piece of paper what they were feeling. I wrote something like, "Everyone is wallowing in pain, but I think my pain is worst than theirs." I was sitting right up front, and I was certain John Gorka was going to pick mine. Sure enough, he did, and he sang, "I'm from New Jersey." Love ya, John!
11:39pm 06-14-2008
We just saw John last night live in San Diego at AcousticSanDiego+...he was tremendous....your site kept the music going for us!! Such a talent, what a lyricist, and a joy to hear!
4:46pm 05-24-2008
lee dishmon
thx so much for this site......mr gorka is one heck of a writer/performer and i appreciate more of his music getting out there. ty. im truly honored
8:37pm 04-10-2008

Thanks again for all your hard work documenting John's music. I stop by often, but don't let you know how much I appreciate it.

I hope your health has improved.

God Bless.
7:04pm 04-01-2008
giselle gorka
hello john i was wanting to know if you are any relation to me
im from australia and if ever coming down under your welcome to stay with us
7:51am 03-31-2008
Norm Krause
Thanks for the great web site!!
Messages: 106 until 120 of 178.
Number of pages: 12
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