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Messages: 121 until 135 of 178
Number of pages: 12
10:21am 03-27-2008
Stephen Brown
When this man opens up and sings, a great soul is revealed. His music finally reached me just as I was about to call BS on the whole industry . The Houses in the Fields video really hit home for me. God Bless true artists like John Gorka!
4:30am 03-24-2008
Edwin von Elck
Mooie site hoor, blijft een goede zanger.
1:32pm 03-17-2008
HI Jos.
I wonder if you can do two tunes for the mp3 month? Just wondering.
I really enjoy the newest tunes as well as the oldies. Thanks Betsy
4:44am 02-15-2008
joseph rotonda
I would like to use your link on my website to promote your works. entertheholyspirit.com.
Website is 80 percent finished. I used one song when you go to the vincent and theo poems link.
When are you coming back to Columbus, Ohio? Where can I find the song "War" on one of your cds?
My wife and I love your works. Your music is deep seeded on living life and all of its problems that reach one's purpoose.
Please, let me know? joe rotonda
2:37pm 12-11-2007
Wes jagoe
Hey Bro"
Hung out with you at StanFest, thanks for all your words of encouragement, I've got some photo's for you. Rose Cousins came to town, I promoted the gig and recorded it as well, I remember her Jamin' with ya at the festival, small world aye.
I'm trying to release a live DVD before Christmas, I'll send you a copy, take care all the best.

Wes Jagoe
1:42pm 10-15-2007
HI John, I can't think of one at this time. Anyone written by you is fine.
I don't know if you like Mary Black's music? But if you did and made an
arrangement John Gorka syle for fun, that would be cool.Betsy
8:51pm 10-12-2007
John G.
Hi Jos,

I put a copy of The Gypsy Life DVD in the mail to you today.
I hope it finds you in good health. Thank you for all your
All the best,
John G
2:15pm 10-12-2007
ryan Friel
can't tell if messages are getting sent..please respond so i can stop typing the same message...thanks, ryan friel
2:13pm 10-12-2007
Ryan Friel
Hi.....saw you play in Anchorage and Kallispell, MT...liked both very much...friends and I started up a literary journal called the Whitefish Review...whitefishreview.com...featuring local and national authors, artists, photographers...wondering about possibility of printing a song/interview...we strive for quality, not cheese...though we love cheese, w/scrapple...sincerely, Ryan Friel
2:08pm 10-12-2007
Ryan Friel
Hi..saw you play in Anchorage and Montana...liked both very much...friends and i started up a literary journal, featuring local and national authors, photographers, artists...called the Whitefish Review...whitefishreview.com...would love to print a song/interview you...don't know if this is a way to contact you...we strive for quality, not cheese...though we love cheese...w/ scrapple...sincerely, Ryan Friel
11:45pm 08-19-2007
elizabeth and jerry
We enjoyed your music at Crossings last night and hope you got home safely (US 52 back to our home was flooded in several places). That was, as we learned to say since moving to Minnesota, some weather.
Your song about your son made us smile as we have a new granddaughter who is, even at her tender age of three months, demonstrating very strong dislikes and as-yet-unattended needs with what I have named her Shar Pei face- everything wrinkles and her mouth opens and starts quivering, and we have seconds to attend to "it" or she starts crying. We appreciate the fair warning!
Enjoy the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Thanks again for "Oh, Abraham"- EWK
2:00pm 06-25-2007
Justus Koshiol
I was surprised and honored to find that you had posted my video of "Let Them in Peter" here.

Thank you, I hope more folks will discover the wonderful music of John Gorka.

9:21am 06-03-2007
Thanks for keeping this site so remarkably current and updated. You have a way of finding everything Jos! I have learned of so many non-recored songs by John thanks to you. He needs to get in the studio and do an acoustic album of all these unrecorded gems! Thanks again. See you over at www.johngorka.com!!
10:56pm 04-30-2007
Rick Lander
I have recently "discovered" John and his music.......What a revelation he has been!! I sing and play guitar and have been working to cover his tunes...my most sincere homage to his song-writing and performance talent! Sincerely ......Rick
4:50am 04-10-2007
Jim Lyons
I am trying to track down an old friend from grammar school - Victor Colucci. He played bass is some bands when I wasaround 11 or 12 - this would be around 1966-66.

I see he is listed on an album you made in 1990 - "Land of the bottom line." I understand if you cannot provide this personal information to a stranger, but would appreciate it if at least you could tell me if you remember where the album was recorded. Maybe I can go from there. All the best.

Jim Lyons
Messages: 121 until 135 of 178.
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